Legal disclaimer


This website is the property of Kurago Software, S.L. (KURAGO).

  • Entered in the Company Register of Bizkaia (Spain), in Volume 5876, Folio 189, Page B1-74045.
  • Spanish Tax Identification Number (NIF) B95970786.
  • Registered address: Alameda Urquijo 4, 1-1 | 48008 BILBAO (SPAIN)
  • Email:
  • Phone: +34 946 050 400


Access to this website grants an individual the status of user and implies the acceptance of all the conditions set forth in this Legal Disclaimer. A user should read these conditions each time they accept this website’s terms and conditions, as they may be amended at any time in the future. Given their particular nature, certain aspects of this website may be subject to specific terms and conditions that may replace, complete or modify this Legal Disclaimer, whereby they should also be accepted by the person using or accessing them.


This website’s entire content (texts, photographs, graphics, images, technology, software, audiovisual and sound links, graphic design, source code, etc.), as well as brand names and other trademarks, is the property of KURAGO or third parties, and the user does not have any right whatsoever over its use through this website.

A user should refrain from the following:

  1. Reproducing, copying, distributing, disclosing to third parties, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying this website’s content, except in those cases provided for by law or expressly authorised by KURAGO, or by the holder of said rights.
  2. Reproducing or copying for private use the software programs, images, videos or databases posted on this website, as well as publicly disclosing them or placing them at the disposal of third parties when this involves their reproduction.
  3. Downloading or reusing this website’s content.


A user wishing to insert links to this website from their own websites is to comply with the following terms and conditions:

  1. The link will lead to a page on this website using solely the domain, and no other variant thereof.
  2. The website in question may not reproduce it in any way.
  3. It may not introduce frames of any kind that encompass the website or allow it to be displayed via other internet addresses or jointly with content that does not belong to this website, whereby it creates or may create an error or misunderstanding among users regarding the provenance of the service or its content, constitutes an act of unfair competition or comparison, exploits KURAGO’s reputation, brand or prestige, or proceeds in any manner prohibited by law.
  4. The website that contains the link may not make any false or inaccurate statements about KURAGO or the quality of its products and services.
  5. The referrer may not use the KURAGO brand or any other corresponding trademark on its website, except in those cases permitted by law or expressly authorised by KURAGO.
  6. The website posting the link is to observe current legislation and may not refer or link to unlawful, pernicious, immoral or offensive content that causes or may cause the false impression that KURAGO advocates or supports the referrer’s ideas, statements or actions, or those of an inappropriate nature regarding KURAGO’s business and operations, taking into consideration the content and general themes of the website containing the link.

Unforeseen effects

KURAGO cannot be held responsible for ensuring that this website does not contain malware or any other kind of harmful software. It therefore befalls the user to deploy suitable tools for detecting and disinfecting such elements Consequently, KURAGO accepts no liability for the damage caused to computer hardware when accessing this website. Likewise, KURAGO may not be held liable for any damage caused to users when such damage or losses may have been caused by failures or disconnections affecting the telecommunication network that interrupt the service to this website.

Reference content

This website may contain links that enable a user to access other internet sites. In such cases, KURAGO shall be responsible solely for the content and services provided via links insofar as it is aware of their unlawfulness and has not proceeded diligently to their disabling. In the event that a user considers that there is a link to unlawful or inappropriate content, they may inform KURAGO, without this involving any obligation to remove the corresponding link. KURAGO is not aware at all times of the content and services provided via links, whereby it cannot be held liable for any losses or damages caused by their lack of quality, outdating, unavailability, error, unsuitability or illegality and any shortcomings as regards the statements made or the content or services rendered through them, unless it is directly responsible for the provision of said services.


The user undertakes to make due and proper use of this website pursuant to current legislation, this Legal Disclaimer, and all other applicable terms and conditions, regulations and instructions. The user is answerable to KURAGO and to third parties for whatsoever losses or damages that may arise due to any breach of these obligations.


This Legal Disclaimer is governed in full by Spanish legislation. Regarding the resolution of whatsoever dispute involving the interpretation or observance of this Legal Disclaimer, the user expressly submits to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals corresponding to KURAGO’s registered address.