Privacy policy

Identity of the data controller

Bystronic Laser AG, a company established under Swiss Law, hereinafter Bystronic.

Registered address and for notification purposes

Industriestrase 21, 3362 Niederönz, Switzerland

Attn.: General Counsel


Identity of the data processor

KURAGO, a company established under Spanish laws as Kurago Software S.L.U., hereinafter KURAGO.

Registered address and for notification purposes

Ercilla 24, 5º, 48008, Bilbao, Spain


Data corresponding to the users of the platform

The data which are considered to be of a personal nature provided by the user, as a result of the formalization of the contractual relationship, are the responsibility of Bystronic. Said data will be processed by Bystronic for the management of the contractual relationship established, understanding that the legal basis of said processing is the compliance of the contractual relationship and the administrative management thereof.

Bystronic will keep the data provided by the user while the contractual relationship causing its exchange is maintained or for the necessary years in order to comply with the legal obligations or to fulfill the responsibilities that may be derived from it. The data provided by the user as a result of the maintenance of this contractual relationship are extendable, not only to the data of the signatories of the corresponding license, but also to the data that may be necessary for the attainment of the contractual relationship, such as for example other contact persons of the user company in order to be able to process any incidence, the data of users requested by the administrator, or any other circumstance for which it is necessary for Bystronic to process the data of the employees of the user.

Bystronic may send to the user information related to the activity of Bystronic, either to inform about novelties about their products or updates or to send information about services marketed by the company. The legal basis of the processing for this purpose is the legitimate interest of Bystronic, and the user may at all times communicate his/her desire to not receive this type of information. It is possible for there to be proprietors of data that contact Bystronic through on-line forms or by means of sending emails to addresses of the user. Said data, provided by the user, will be processed by Bystronic to give a reply to the corresponding query, so the legitimate basis for the processing will be the compliance of the contractual relationship or by default, the consent, since it is the user himself/herself who wishes to contact Bystronic. Bystronic will keep the data provided by the proprietor, provided that the latter does not exert his/her right of elimination or opposition. In this sense, Bystronic may process the data to send him/her information related to the activity of Bystronic, either to inform about novelties about its products or updates or to send information about services marketed by the company. The legal basis of the processing for this purpose is the legitimate interest of Bystronic, and the user may at all times communicate his/her desire to not receive this type of information.

The rights of the proprietors of the data

Likewise, the user or the proprietor of the data has the right to obtain confirmation of whether Bystronic is processing his/her personal data and, therefore, has the right to access his/her personal data, rectify the inaccurate data or request their elimination when the data are no longer necessary; he/she may also request the limitation in the use thereof and file the complaints in his/her best interest by going to the corresponding control authority. He/she must do so by sending a communication to the Data Processor:

Kurago Software, SLU

Ercilla 25, 5º, 48011, Bilbao, Spain

Duty to secrecy regarding data processing

At Bystronic we believe that confidentiality of information is an absolutely necessary element in providing services. Therefore, people who are involved in processing user’s information and, therefore, also regarding data related to natural persons, and directly or indirectly access the data, shall follow at all times the secrecy relating to personal data they encounter when carrying out the activity.

Duty to Secrecy constitutes an obligation for the entire Group, the members of the leadership and management bodies, the people contracted under the provisions of Labour Law, professionals providing services contracted under the provisions of Commercial Law. It also involves an obligation for goods and services suppliers and their employees, Data Processors and their employees, those the Data Processor subcontracts and their employees.

The obligation to secrecy remains after the labour or commercial relationship established with the Group, who is the controller, has ended, as well as after the expiry of labour and commercial contracts and so on that link employees and/or professionals to the Data Processor and the suppliers that supply goods or provide services to the Group.

Except to Kurago, the data processor, we do not sell, trade or transfer in any way your personal information to third parties.

Processing, of data by Kurago as data processor

KURAGO shall be considered the processor of personal data. Kurago undertakes to:

  • Use the personal data object of processing, access or viewing, or those that must be obtained, solely for the purpose of the contracted service.
  • Process the data according to the user’s instructions.
  • Keep a record of activities.
  • Maintain the duty to secrecy with respect to all the information, including personal data, to which it has had access pursuant to the present contracted service.
  • Guarantee that the persons authorized to process personal data undertake to respect confidentiality and fulfil the corresponding security measures.
  • Guarantee the necessary training in personal data protection of the persons authorized to process personal data.
  • Inform Bystronic of the requests for rights to access, rectify, erase, oppose, limit the processing and portability of the data that owners of the data can exercise against Kurago.
  • Notify Bystronic, without undue delay and through the email address or addresses indicated by the user, the security breaches of which it is aware and that can affect the personal data for which Bystronic is responsible.
  • Kurago shall not send to, or allow access to the personal data for which the user is responsible, by third parties, except in legally admissible cases or when it needs to subcontract services from third parties in order to fulfil the contractual relationship with the user. In this case, Kurago shall sign the corresponding data processor contract with the sub processor, who will observe the same conditions as those in the present document.
  • Once the service provision that lead to the access, processing or viewing by Kurago of the personal data for which the user is responsible is concluded and, in any case, when the contractual relationship has ended, for any reason, Kurago shall destroy or return the data to Bystronic. However, Kurago may keep a copy with the data duly redacted while responsibilities may still be derived from providing the service, for the sole and exclusive purpose of legal defense, internal audit and in order to fulfil their corresponding legal obligations.
  • Maintain the necessary technical, operational and organizational security measures to guarantee continuous confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the processing systems and services. Kurago shall have sufficient security measures to comply with the provisions of Art. 32 of the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“Regulation”).
  • Comply with all the obligations established in the Regulation.

Data Security

Kurago and Bystronic has implemented the security measures required by the regulation on personal Data Protection in their work centers, offices, systems, communication infrastructures, etc. It has also adopted the logical, physical, organizational, contractual measures that prevent third parties from accessing the data without authorization, and the destruction, modification, reproduction, disclosure, transmission or reuse of the same.

Despite this, whenever personal information is provided online, there is the risk, which is outside of our control, that third parties can intercept this information and use it. Even though we at Bystronic and Kurago strive to protect personal information and your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of the information revealed online and under your responsibility.

Monitoring and modification of the privacy policy

The Privacy Policy established by Bystronic is in force as of its date of publication on the corresponding website; the user can save and/or copy it. Bystronic reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time.